Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wonder Pore Whipping Foam by Etude House ♥

Hello dearies! Today I have a new review for you. Horaaay! ^.^

EH: Wonder Pore Whipping Foam :) 
"I'm the Wonder Woman for your Pores."

I have reviewed the Wonder Pore Freshner a weeks ago, and told you that I like it. Click here to see my review. So, off to the review. ~Teehee ^.^ 

I have been using this cleansing foam for about 3 weeks time now, and I like it. Actually, it works really well with the Freshner. This product also claims 7 Total Pore Solution which are : 

1. Deeply cleanses pores
2. Maintains a pH 4.5
3. Controls a large amount of sebum
4. Minimizes appearance of pores
5. Refines the skin tone
6. Keeps the elasticity of pores
7. Moisturizes the inside and outer of the skin

I like how it's very foamy and feels very light when you're using it. I use Marionnaud's Facial Brush when I wash my face with the foam. It helps remove dead skin cells on the face as well as scrub off the dirt. The only thing that I don't like about this product is the smell. It has a bit of smell, smell that I cannot explain. But it's bearable. Trust me! :)  
Marionnaud Facial Brush


The can contains 200mL of product inside it. And it's very convenient that it has a pump to get the product out. But since it's a foam type, shaking the can is a must! :) Shake shake shake it like a crazy baby! ^.^

amount of product I use :)
 "A little goes a long way." Well, that saying is true with this product. I was kind of shocked when I first tried it out, there was a lot of foam coming out of the nozzle. It was also my fault, I didn't control the pump properly. I pumped like crazy! I guess I really couldn't refrain myself from doing it. -__-  But it's cool, I care about the effectiveness. Works like Wonder Woman on my face yo! :D

- 7 Total Pore Solution? True that yo!
-Whipping Foam? Cool! 
-200mL? Wooot! 

-Unexplainable smell -__- (but bearable)

I guess that's it. Will I repurchase? YES! Definitely! ^.^  

Have you tried this? Lemme know how'd it go for ya. :)

Thanks for reading my blog lovies! Comments? Suggestions? Show some Love Love Love. -Pau ♥


  1. I think i need this one. my face is breaking out and this might help. thanks for sharing.

    xo, Carla

  2. Replies
    1. There are sellers who ship internationally. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  3. Foam nga. :) hihi :) Kaso sis gusto ko mabula eh...i am trying this once i ran out of my current cleanser

    by the way i just followed you, mind to follow back?

    1. Haha. Na try mo na sis? Thanks for following!:) Followed you din. :D

  4. thanks for the review! this product seems interesting :D

    followed you xoxo

    1. My pleasure dear. :) Thanks for following. Followed you back! ^.^

  5. I love the review! Im mej sold na with this product! Been seeing a lot of it lately :)

    new follower here!

    The Misty Mom

    1. Yey! Thanks for following! :) Followed you back! <3

  6. Dear Pauwerrific,

    You have a very lovely & interesting blog. So, i decided to follow you. Do you mind to follow me back at

    Good luck to your blog and upcoming posts too!

  7. Do u hav rosacea. I doubt u do but anyways rosacea is red thickened skin on the face. I am asking bcuz I hav it and apparently wonder pore removes demodex. Ther is a theory that says demodex causes rosacea. If u thnk wonder pore could help me with rosacea plz tell me or any other info u thnk is good. Thnkz

  8. hola una consulta quisiera saber si este producto es para pieles super grasas como la mia T-T, y comodberia usarla muchas gracias me encato tu blog, lo leo con traduccion =)
